Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Banoffee Pie

Okay, this is a good one. Have you heard of a banoffee pie? It’s a pie with a graham cracker crust. Wait for it. It has bananas. Wait for it. How about whipped cream? You dying yet? Oh, and it’s smothered in a toffee caramel sauce. This is basically banana cream pie on steroids.
I apologize in advance for all the videos of cascading caramel. Just kidding. But seriously, this recipe does NOT require a lot of video instruction, but this thing was so delicious that we just kept recording. 
I used this recipe: https://www.cinnamonspiceandeverythingnice.com/banoffee-pie/?wprptest2=0

9 oz graham crackers
8 tbsp butter, melted (1 stick)
*The recipe doesn’t call for this, but I always do just a little sprinkle of brown sugar in my graham cracker crusts. It adds a bit of sweetness and a little crunchy texture.

1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Line the bottom of a 9in springform pan (or deep dish pie pan) with parchment paper.
3. Blend the graham crackers in a food processor (or by hand), until finely ground. Combine with butter (and the sugar if you want).
4. Press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of the pan. *I used a little measuring cup to make the sides smoother. The bottom and sides are a bit thick.
5. Bake for 8 minutes *or until golden brown and held together. 

Toffee Sauce:

½ c packed brown sugar (preferably dark)
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
8 tbsp butter (1 stick) 

1. Combine sugar and 3 tbsp of water in a medium-heavy saucepan over medium-low heat until sugar dissolves.
2. Increase heat until sugar boils, without stirring, for 5 minutes.
3. Whisk in condensed milk and butter and continue whisking/stirring for 5 minutes or until the sauce thickens slightly.
4. Remove from heat and spread one cup of the sauce over the prepared crust, including the sides. *I did only a cup- Do more. I had so much for the top, and it was crazy. Also, when it’s on the top of the whipped cream, it pushes it down, so if you have more on the bottom and less on top, more structural integrity.
5. Refrigerate for about a ½ hour or until the caramel is semi-firm. Keep the remaining caramel sauce at room temperature. 

1 ½ c heavy cream
5 medium bananas, ripe but firm

1. In a stand mixer, beat the heavy cream to soft peaks. *I also added a little vanilla because I think pretty much all whipped cream calls for vanilla. I will say you don’t need to add any sugar though- caramel, bananas, you know.
2. Thinly slice bananas and fold into whipped cream. *I also added a layer of bananas on top of the caramel before I added the whipped cream layer.  

3. Spoon into the pie crust and allow to refrigerate for 30 minutes. #billowybitch

4. Rewarm the leftover toffee sauce just til pourable and drizzle over top. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving. *See the chaos that ensues if you don’t put enough of the sauce on the bottom.

**Best eaten immediately or in a day or two. It’s prettier the first day. The second day, the caramel seeps into the cream and you’ll be like oh my god, it’s ruined! Is that curdled? What’s happening? It’s totally fine. I took a bullet for you and ate it still after the second day. Totally same flavor.

Rating (Scale 1 – 5)
Difficulty: 1
Amount of time: 2
Awesomeness: 5

1 comment:

  1. I made this tonight for my wife's birthday. It came out fantastic. And you were right, it was not a difficult recipe to follow at all.
