Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Honey Caramel Shortbread with Pepitas

So, I have chickens- the Spice Girls (Cinnamon, Cardamom aka Cardi B, Cumin, Ginger, and Nutmeg), and I have created a barter system with someone: eggs for honey. That's where this recipe came about; I got a lot of honey. Like a lot. I also recognize that this recipe isn't really a looker, but she's got a great personality. 

This recipe makes an 8x8 square pan (12 bars). I used pepitas on this, but you could do any kind of seed or nut you want really. You do you, boo. 

For the shortbread:

2 sticks unsalted butter, room temp

1/2 c brown sugar

2 c all-purpose flour *If it feels too wet and not very sandy, you can add a bit more. It should just hold together when you squish it in your hand.*

3/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cardamom 

1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract if you don't have it)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F and line pan with parchment (with a bit of overhang so you can pull it out of the pan for cutting and serving), and spray with cooking spray. I did double parchment going on both sides so all four sides are covered in parchment. We are working with caramel, folks. You don't want tears? PARCHMENT. 

2. Put butter and sugar in stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment and cream together for a few minutes. 

3. Add vanilla, cardamom, and salt. Slowly add in flour until you get the desired texture (that 2ish cups we discussed). 

4. Pour out into prepared pan and press down into a solid layer. 

5. Bake for about 40 - 50 minutes until golden brown on top. 

6. Allow to cool while you make the honey caramel. 

For the Caramel:

I used this recipe as a base (but halved it)

1/2 c honey

1/3 c heavy cream 

1 tsp vanilla extract 

2 tbsp unsalted butter 

1 c salted pepitas (ish) - I'm not gonna lie; I didn't really measure this... 

1. Place the honey and heavy cream in a pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the caramel is around 240 - 245 degrees. You want it to be loose enough that it won't harden and break teeth. If you aren't sure about the caramel, you can do the water test. Take a cup and fill with ice water. Drop a small amount of the caramel in to the water and see if it forms a soft ball. 

2. Once you get to the consistency you're looking for, take off the heat and add vanilla extract and butter, stirring until all combined. 

3. Add in the pepitas and pour over the shortbread crust. 

4. Allow to cool forever. This part is the bitch of this whole recipe. It'll take like 2 hours or so to cool. 

5. Turn out and cut into 12 squares. 

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