Tuesday, January 29, 2019


This recipe I wanted to try because it’s something I have seen people make on TV all the time, and it sounded pretty delicious. I would say don’t make this as a dessert though. Make it for brunch. It’s so much more brunch to me. It’s like a custardy, slightly tangy dessert with fruit in it. The texture to me is kind of like if flan and a cake had a delicious brunch baby. This recipe is hella fast and easy though, so give it a try. 
First of all, I love Smitten Kitchen; she’s one of my favs- just wanted to get that out there.
Secondly, I didn’t use cherries because it wasn’t cherry season when I made them, and ain’t nobody got time to pit cherries. Who makes all these cherry desserts? I don’t understand, but bless you for doing it because they are delicious.

3 large eggs
½ c granulated sugar
6 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly, plus more for greasing the pan
1 c flour
A couple pinches of salt
1 c milk
½ tsp almond extract *have I told you how much I hate almond extract yet? Well I do, so I didn’t use this because… vomit. I just used vanilla extract.
2 tsp brandy or rum (optional) *is it optional? Is it? I used rum.
2 generous cups of sweet cherries *Like I said, I didn’t use cherries- I did blueberries and raspberries.

This recipe is literally this fast:

1. Preheat oven to 400F.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar together until light in color.
3. Gradually add in butter, beating to incorporate.
4. Add the flour and salt, mixing until incorporated.
5. Slowly pour in the milk, a little at a time.
6. Add the extract and brandy or rum if you’re using it. The batter will be smooth and shiny.
7. Place the cherries (or whatever fruit) in a buttered glass dish, cake pan, or skillet that can go in the oven. *I did a 9 in cake pan.
8. Pour the batter over the fruit and bake for 25 – 30 minutes until golden brown at the edges.
9. Let sit at least 15 minutes and dust with powdered sugar before serving. *I think some whipped cream would be legit on top of this. Oh, or ice cream. Ice cream would be delicious too. 

Rating (Scale 1 - 5):

Difficulty: 1
Amount of Time: 1
Awesomeness: 3

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