Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Lemon Berry Naked Cake

Okay, so I make a lot of cakes. I love cake. Whoever doesn’t love cake is stupid. There. I’ve said it. I don’t discriminate about other confections, though. I love them all. I just happen to really enjoy making cakes. So, this wasn’t really a challenge of making a cake; it was a challenge of doing a new form of cake decoration for me. A naked cake is pretty easy because you literally have less work to do. I made this one for Easter and it was freaking delicious. 
Something else you may not know about me yet is that I LOVE lemon. It’s my favorite flavor. Valerie Bertinelli doesn’t have the monopoly on liking lemon desserts. This cake has berries and lemon and happiness. Perfect for spring. I am also writing this in November… and now I’m saddened by the lack of happy spring flavors in my life. Pumpkin spice can go to hell. Just kidding. I love you too pumpkin spice.

But before we get into the recipe, let me share with you the recipe of goop. This is used to grease your pans, and I swear once you start using it, you will never butter and flour your pans again. This is, I am not exaggerating, life changing. 

Goop “recipe”:
Vegetable oil
It’s just equal parts of each. I am not putting measurements here because I don’t know you. I don’t know if you need to have 3 cups of goop or like ½ cup. I usually do ½ cup of each ingredient and shove the rest in my fridge to use at a later time. Just stir before you use again. I don’t know how long it lasts, but I have kept it in my fridge for at least a month, and it’s been fine. Then just take it out when you want to use and spread some with a paper towel all over the inside of your cake pans. (Can I tell you a secret? I don’t even line with parchment anymore! The crowd gasps in shock).
Okay, I digress, back to naked cake.

I used this recipe: https://www.alattefood.com/berry-vanilla-naked-cake-with-lemon-whipped-cream/

For the berry puree:
1 c strawberries, hulled
1 c raspberries
½ c granulated sugar
*the recipe doesn’t call for this, but a put a squeeze of lemon in here because I think all berries benefit from a little lemon wake me up.
1. In a blender or food processor, puree the strawberries, raspberries, and sugar together (and lemon if you’re me). With a sieve, drain the puree to remove all the seeds. Set aside for later- you should have about a cup of puree.

*Also, you know what’s really good? If you have extra puree AFTER you use the rest (no drinks until cakes are in the oven), you can put some in a glass and add some vodka or gin. Hello! Delicious.  

For the cake:
4 large eggs, separated           
¾ c unsalted butter, softened
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 ½ c granulated sugar
2 ½ c flour
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp baking powder
¾ tsp salt
1 c whole milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 c sour cream

1. Preheat oven to 350 F and grease three 9in round cake pans *use the goop! I’m telling you. Try it. It’ll make you a believer.
2. Separate 4 large eggs and set aside.
3. In a stand mixer, cream butter until light and fluffy (1-2 minutes). Then add in vegetable oil and beat for another minute. *every time I say use a stand mixer, please know that you can also just use a bowl and a hand mixer, but I’m lazy, and I have a stand mixer, so I’m gonna use it always.
4. Gradually add in sugar and beat until well combined.
5. Add in egg yolks, one at a time, beating until each is incorporated before adding the next.
6. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt. Set aside. *I’m gonna be honest. I don’t do this. I did it for macarons, but I really don’t ever sift together my dry ingredients… sue me. I did, however, put them all in a bowl together because you’re going to alternate wet and dry ingredients, so this is just easier.
7. In another bowl, mix together milk, vanilla extract, and sour cream.
8. Alternating, add dry and wet ingredients into the egg mixture, always starting and ending with the dry. *I usually do 1/3 of the dry, ½ the wet, 1/3 of the dry, ½ the wet, 1/3 of the dry. You get it.
9. In ANOTHER bowl *are you keeping track? We are at like 4 bowls.. * beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. *this means the egg whites won’t fall back on themselves, but stand up like good little soldiers.
10. Gently fold egg whites into the batter until completely incorporated.
11. Divide batter evenly between the three cake pans.
12. Dollop 4 – 5 tbsp of puree in each cake pan. Using a knife or toothpick, swirl the puree into the batter.
13. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes until a cake tester inserted comes out clean.
14. NOW you can make your drink if you have extra puree J

For the lemon whipped cream:
1 pint heavy whipping cream
8 oz whipped cream cheese *the whipped is important here to keep a good texture
2 tbsp lemon zest (about the zest of two large lemons) *and don’t measure this- no one is going to be mad about more lemon zest. Always err on the side of more.
½ c powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ c raspberries
½ c strawberries, sliced and hulled
*So yeah, I feel like this recipe lies a little because you don’t need the berries FOR the whipped cream, but rather for the assembly. 

1. With a mixer on high, beat the heavy whipping cream until it begins to thicken. Add in lemon zest, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract, until soft peaks form. 
2. Add whipped cream cheese to the whipped cream mixture and beat until stiff peaks form. 


1. Once the cakes are cooled, remove from the cake pans and level off if you need to. 
2. Place the bottom layer on a cake stand *I always put a dollop of the whipped cream or frosting down on the cake stand first- this helps the cake not to slide around while you’re icing or transporting. 
3. Add one cup of the lemon whipped cream and spread mostly to the edges. 
4. Place a few raspberries and strawberries on top of the cream. *I also made sure that they were right on the edge as well- recall that this is a naked cake; everyone’s gonna see these layers, so make it pretty!
5. Repeat with the second layer of cake and whipped cream. 
6. Add the final cake layer and whipped cream. 
7. If any of the cream has come out of the sides, take an offset spatula and smooth it around the cake. *My cake came out more like a semi-naked cake, like she’s wearing a bikini, not necessarily taking a shower. I think this is totally okay. You can have it be as naked or covered as you want. Use your discretion and cake modesty as a guide. 
8. Top with fresh strawberries and raspberries. 

Rating (Scale 1 - 5):
Difficulty: 2
Amount of Time: 3
Awesomeness: 4

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